
The owner of this website is

Valerie Ettinger
Industriestraße 1
2100 Korneuburg
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Equal treatment is important to me. In all of the texts on this website, however, the feminine grammatical forms used for the purposes of equal treatment have been omitted for the sake of improved readability. It goes without saying, however, that all the content refers equally to both genders.

Liability for content

The content of this website is researched and implemented with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, processing errors cannot be ruled out. Despite careful checks, no liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness and topicality of this website. I assume no liability for possible damage or consequences resulting from the direct or indirect use of the content offered. As the content provider, I am responsible for my own content, which I make available for use in accordance with general legislation. My own content is separate and distinct from my referrals and cross-references ("external links") to content provided by other service providers. This third-party content does not originate from me, nor do I have the possibility to influence the content of third-party sites. The content of external pages, which I may refer to via links, do not reflect my opinion, but serve merely to provide information and to illustrate connections. In the same way, I am not liable for external content which I simply refer to. The responsibility lies solely with the service provider of the content.


All the content published on this website (i.e. texts, images, graphics, layout, etc.) is subject to copyright. Any use not permitted by copyright law requires my prior written consent or the consent of the respective authorised parties. In particular, this also applies to the editing, translation, duplication, storage, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Creating links to my website is generally permitted without my prior consent. I do not allow the framing of my pages.

Image credits
Privat,  Foto Rüchel, Foto Lehoczky


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